Transforming global small business underwriting with augmented data

How Uplinq uses advanced AI and automation to help issuers understand SMBs on a deeper level.

Uplinq logo superimposed on restaurant scene. Uplinq logo superimposed on restaurant scene.


Traditional underwriting strategies can present barriers to assessing the creditworthiness of small businesses.

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) often rely on credit for survival and success, representing a large market opportunity for financial institutions (FIs).¹ However, SMBs often utilize consumer credit products rather than leveraging FIs’ more robust products.

In most cases, FIs must assess risk and creditworthiness using a limited number of data sources, including credit bureau scoring, tax returns, global cashflow and the “5 Cs” of credit (business character, capacity, capital, collateral and conditions). This can hamper visibility into an SMB’s true creditworthiness. Without access to data beyond these traditional credit risk scoring sources, lenders may hesitate to approve SMB credit applicants, even if they are financially healthy.

Demand for credit is high among surveyed SMBs²

41 %

have credit limits less than $50K USD

21 %

use more than 75% of their available credit line

29 %

pay credit balances multiple times per month


Visa refers lenders all over the world to Uplinq to help them better understand SMB credit applicants. Uplinq supports more informed credit decisioning by incorporating a vast number of environmental, industry and community data points into one automated platform.

With billions of additional data points and advanced artificial intelligence (AI), Uplinq augments existing underwriting processes to help FIs understand SMBs on a deeper level.³ Uplinq’s credit decisioning support technology looks across more than 10,000 data sources in over 150 countries to provide a more holistic view of creditworthiness — helping to increase approval rates for businesses that may otherwise be declined based on traditional underwriting criteria.³

By leveraging sophisticated AI and machine learning (ML) models trained in macro-economic, regional and local business and cultural nuances, Uplinq enables FIs to cross-validate large datasets — improving credit assessment performance and ensuring compliance with regional regulatory requirements. By enabling automation of credit decisioning workflows, Uplinq can drive significant time and cost savings compared to traditional underwriting.

“If banks can make a profit growing the economy, and small businesses can prosper in the process, everybody wins. Fairness, inclusivity and success in the economy are all objectives that AI can optimize itself around, and Uplinq is turning that vision into reality.”

Uplinq logo.
Patrick Reily, Co-founder, Uplinq


Uplinq’s approach can enhance risk evaluation performance and drive profitability for lenders of any size — from the largest global FIs to the smallest community banks. Results achieved include:

+ 50 %

reduction in underwriting operating costs³

15 x

reduction in credit losses³

3 x

average increase in line of business (LOB) profitability³


With over $1.4 trillion in underwritten loans, Uplinq’s credit decisioning solution provides Visa’s clients with powerful insights that can help improve SMB lending approval rates and support SMB growth.

About Uplinq

Uplinq is the first global credit assessment and scoring platform for small business lenders. Drawing insights and analytics from 10,000+ unique data sources, they facilitate fair credit access for small business owners worldwide.

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