Staying Ahead of Fraudsters: Protecting Your Digital Identity

Vice President and Global Head of Authentication and Identity, Matthieu Charpentier, talks about what Visa and Visa Direct are doing to help mitigate risk and the challenges of adding security measures in an environment where end users are used to a pretty frictionless experience.
Podcast guest Matthieu Charpentier


In today's internet age, our identity has gone digital. We use our email addresses, phone numbers, social media account logins, and even digital versions of our biometrics to identify ourselves and these digital identifiers can be sent anywhere to anyone. In this episode, we're going to explore digital identity and financial fraud and how bad actors are taking advantage of the shift to synthetic versions of ourselves. We will talk with Tim Sini, who investigated synthetic identity theft and fraud when he was a New York district attorney and Matthieu Charpentier, Vice President and Global Head of Authentication and Identity to talk about what Visa and Visa Direct are doing to help mitigate risk and the challenges of adding security measures in an environment where end users are used to a pretty frictionless experience. We even explore the ways in which generative artificial intelligence is shaping the landscape.

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